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S&P Global Offerings
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S&P Global Offerings
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S&P Global Offerings
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Corporate Responsibility
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
English | Arabic | Chinese - Traditional | Chinese - Simplified | French | Hebrew | German | Italian | Japanese | Korean | Portuguese | Russian | Spanish | Spanish - Mexican
English | Arabic | Chinese - Traditional | Chinese - Simplified | French | Hebrew | German | Italian | Japanese | Korean | Portuguese | Russian | Spanish | Spanish - Mexican
English | Arabic | Chinese - Traditional | Chinese - Simplified | French | Hebrew | German | Italian | Japanese | Korean | Portuguese | Russian | Spanish | Spanish - Mexican
English | Arabic | Chinese - Traditional | Chinese - Simplified | French | Hebrew | German | Italian | Japanese | Korean | Portuguese | Russian | Spanish | Spanish - Mexican
English | Arabic | Chinese - Traditional | Chinese - Simplified | French | Hebrew | German | Italian | Japanese | Korean | Portuguese | Russian | Spanish | Spanish - Mexican
English | Arabic | Chinese - Traditional | Chinese - Simplified | French | Hebrew | German | Italian | Japanese | Korean | Portuguese | Russian | Spanish | Spanish - Mexican
0.1 MI Platform
Unless otherwise specified, data fields on the Market Intelligence Platform that contain ‘Country’ should be interpreted as ‘Country or Region’. This should include but not limited to data fields, modeling parameters, and headers in excel spreadsheets (excel add-on and proprietary data header etc).
0.2 CIQ Desktop
Unless otherwise specified, data fields on the Capital IQ desktop that contain ‘Country’ should be interpreted as ‘Country or Region’. This should include but not limited to data fields, modeling parameters, and headers in excel spreadsheets (excel add-on and proprietary data used on the desktop.
0.3 XF
Unless otherwise specified, data fields contained ‘Country’ should be interpreted as ‘Country or Region’.
0.4 Excel Add-on
Unless otherwise specified, data fields contained ‘Country’ should be interpreted as ‘Country or Region’.
English | Arabic | Chinese - Traditional | Chinese - Simplified | French | Hebrew | German | Italian | Japanese | Korean | Portuguese | Russian | Spanish | Spanish - Mexican
English | Arabic | Chinese - Traditional | Chinese - Simplified | French | Hebrew | German | Italian | Japanese | Korean | Portuguese | Russian | Spanish | Spanish - Mexican